Today is my first day of my six month remedial session. What can I say about it. Well, I was actually excited to enter this new semester when I was still at home. Having my parents and family by my side, I felt that I really got that strength to start and finish this session. And when I arrived to my hostel yesterday, I was still excited and full of life too. But today, when my foot enter the school my excitedness started to leak out from my heart and felt that my strength was almost dried out. I hope, it is not empty yet and I can fill the emptiness with something else other than depression. It won't be an easy journey, but I believe it will be filled with experiences which I won't ever exchange with anything.
We were supposed to start our clinic session this morning, but we haven't received our schedule yet. So, Dr.Shaiful cancelled our morning clinic session. Dr.Aida is supposed to supervise our evening session, but unfortunately all of us were not yet ready for the clinic session for variety of reasons. One, we only packed our instruments and handpieces just now and it will be quite impossible for us to get them before the clinic starts. Number two, contacting patients in the last minutes will be so bothersome both to the patient and us even though two of us has patients who are willing to come. Three, we are not used to the new chair installed in the polyclinics. They are so high tech and they even got timer. I find it amusing to have timer in the chair. I think, Dr. Fadhli (our beloved TDA) insisted on having timer because we said we did not have enough time to get our supervisors' signature after clinic sessions. So, now we couldn't use that as an excuse anymore. Hahaha~
I really have trouble communicating with people I am not close with. I just couldn't find out why I am like that. And oh, Dr.Jelin (LOL!!!) came to say hi to me this morning. He graduated last semester and posted in HUSM. We talked a bit. He has a very low voice that I figuratively could hear a melancholic melody playing in the background. I wasn't sad talking to him, and we talked about funny things and we laughed. But, I in my mind, our conversation and the mood did not match. Hahahaha~
I already miss my parents. It has been only one day and I'm already missing them. I had a four month long vacation and I think it is normal. I guess all of us have the same feeling. Guess what? We have a week long convocation holiday next week. We just arrived here, and I did not expect to have another holiday. I did not want to go home at first because there will be no one at home. I made a plan to go to Mixa2's house and Alia's when my parents are away. but I'll return home when they come back from Sabah next Sunday. Oh yes, Izzati's wedding is this Saturday. I really wanted to attend her wedding. My bestfriend is getting married and I couldn't attend her wedding. huhu..I hope I can figure something out soon.
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